Thursday, May 29, 2014


Not having a great day, so I'm disinclined to write anything, but I realize the bad days are important to document.  I am having worse pelvic pain today but again, I didn't use a valium suppository last night.  I see the correlation, it happened last time I tried to go without for a night during a stressful period.  This time it was not by choice though.  I ordered my prescription but didn't even think for a second about Memorial Day weekend, so that was two days that mail wasn't moving.  So I don't have the valium suppositories but they should arrive any day now.  It takes about a week and I ordered them last week so hopefully they will be here in the next day or so.  It's a bit disheartening, which I think I said last time, that I feel so much worse by not taking one medication.  The pain is so drastically different when I don't use the valium.  And I don't mind that at all, but I would be more comfortable if it took more than just one night to feel so different.  I woke up ready to jump in the shower and then the pain hit and I took my regular pain meds but an hour later I'm not feeling much of a difference so I may need to take more and hope I don't get overly drowsy.  Then maybe I can at least shower.  For right now, I'm just watching tv I don't care about and looking at a bunch of different things online to distract myself.  I don't like bad days but they do remind me of how far I have come that now they are pretty infrequent.  I have discomfort still usually but not like this so I'm trying to just not think about it too much; just do what I have to do to make it through to when the valium is delivered and I'm back on schedule.

Quick updates:  My mom is 3/4 done with her chemotherapy, yay!  It's crazy that her illness is stressful on MY illness but it is what it is.  My sister was here for the weekend, which was of course too short.  My back seems to not be hurting as much wearing the good bras so I'm hoping I'm adjusting.  AND I was able to get a couple more supportive bras since Victoria's Secret is having their semi-annual sale, so that made me feel good to have more than 2 wearable bras.  (I have to say, the difference a good bra makes to my confidence is pretty incredible.  I feel better when my breasts are supported but a good bra also makes my body shape look so much better.  I am very glad I decided to just go ahead and make the purchase even though I don't know exactly what size I will be in a couple years.)  I wouldn't have bought any more full-priced ones since I have no idea what will happen to my body but it took me a while going through sales and clearance but I found the same bras I just bought for half the price.  For as much as I don't buy anything for myself, this was definitely worth it.  I had been wearing hand-me-down bras or cotton sports bras for comfort when I wasn't really doing much, but even just running errands, I could feel I didn't have the breast support I needed if I am going to be doing more things.  So I'm having a bad day pain wise, but I'm balancing it by telling you about my feel-good purchase... Just another way of coping!

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