Not having a great day, so I'm disinclined to write anything, but I realize the bad days are important to document. I am having worse pelvic pain today but again, I didn't use a valium suppository last night. I see the correlation, it happened last time I tried to go without for a night during a stressful period. This time it was not by choice though. I ordered my prescription but didn't even think for a second about Memorial Day weekend, so that was two days that mail wasn't moving. So I don't have the valium suppositories but they should arrive any day now. It takes about a week and I ordered them last week so hopefully they will be here in the next day or so. It's a bit disheartening, which I think I said last time, that I feel so much worse by not taking one medication. The pain is so drastically different when I don't use the valium. And I don't mind that at all, but I would be more comfortable if it took more than just one night to feel so different. I woke up ready to jump in the shower and then the pain hit and I took my regular pain meds but an hour later I'm not feeling much of a difference so I may need to take more and hope I don't get overly drowsy. Then maybe I can at least shower. For right now, I'm just watching tv I don't care about and looking at a bunch of different things online to distract myself. I don't like bad days but they do remind me of how far I have come that now they are pretty infrequent. I have discomfort still usually but not like this so I'm trying to just not think about it too much; just do what I have to do to make it through to when the valium is delivered and I'm back on schedule.