Friday, January 17, 2014


I am new to the concept of blogging.  It has always seemed like posting a journal entry online but I don't know why anyone would want to do that when the point of a journal is privacy.  So I am changing my outlook to a therapeutic one.

I am a 33 year old female, diagnosed with endometriosis almost four years ago.  I have gone to multiple doctors, had multiple surgeries, lived with chronic pain, and faced multiple setbacks.  Before all of this, I did not know what endometriosis was, other than the most basic of definitions: it's when discharge from your uterus lands somewhere in your body where it should not be.  I had no idea what I was in for.  I never knew it could be the cause of such intense pain, I could no longer go about my normal life.  I certainly didn't know the scope of the disease, or the massive impact it would have on my life.  I had no idea that the spectrum was so large.  Most women have some endometriosis and never know about it.  Some have it so severely that it impacts their ability to ever again have a normal life.  I am hoping and working every day with the goal of not having to put myself in the latter category.

Even now, as I continue to learn more about this disease, I struggle to help my family and friends understand what it is that I am going through each day.  I know that many of them don't understand how sick I really am or how this impacts every facet of my life now.  Since a major symptom is intense pain, and pain is subjective, I know that some people just don't comprehend what I'm living with.  I don't know that I would have been capable of it until I woke up with constant searing pain one day that never went away.  Plus, let's face it... it is a disease of the female reproductive system and many people would prefer not to talk about that subject.

So my hope is that by writing some of my thoughts and experiences, I can give my friends and family some insight into the indescribable impact this has had on me and perhaps clear up some misunderstandings or preconceptions.  I am not a doctor, but I do believe I have a network of medical professionals who are exceptional at their jobs and I will never be able to express how grateful I am for all that they have done.  

I also hope that I may be able to connect with others who are suffering with any severity of endometriosis.  Perhaps we can educate others so it is not such a mysterious disease.  Perhaps we can exchange stories or find comfort that there are others who understand our specific suffering.  

I would expect that my posts will be varied and, often, random like my thoughts.  I will try to give background and tell my story but I am sure I will end up going back and forth with my thoughts and connections.  I also have no idea how this would be found by anyone, but I figure putting "endometriosis" in the title might help if anyone is looking!

Hopefully this serves as a bit of an introduction and I will begin posting as often as I think of something to say.  (I've been dealing with this for years, so trust me, I have a lot to say).  

'Til my next post...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing! Looking forward to following your story! Love you! SK
