Friday, May 30, 2014


Okay, I made it through the night.  And by night, I really mean early morning.  I decided I was just going to give up today and let my body sleep as much as possible, even if it wasn't my normal sleep schedule.  I had pretty bad pain last night, but I slept for almost 12 hours and when I woke up, my body felt like it had rebooted.  My pain level is way down.  My lower back is grumbling a little bit but still, much improved from yesterday.

I know sometimes when I've been not sleeping enough that it can truly mess with my body.  Endometriosis takes a toll on a body and it's important to get enough rest to let your body take care of itself.  I had been feeling like I was going to have to just have a day to sleep but I had been putting it off because I hate those days.  I feel like it is wasted and can throw me off my schedule, but in terms of my body, I have to remember it's okay to do.  

So I got up, ate some dinner (soup, compliments of my uncle), some fruit, and now I'm off to relax and shower, take melatonin very early and hope it will help me regulate my sleep cycle.

Now, as I was writing this, I remembered to go check the mail because I had forgotten to do that yesterday so I ran down, checked the mail, and found a care package waiting with my name on it!  My Aunt might take the title of Best Care Package-Giver or Best-Comfort-Provider, I'll have to think on that one.  I have already raved about the socks she found and what a thoughtful care package she sent when I was feeling overwhelmed.  Today, I find the softest slippers in there and I am now so looking forward to showering and putting my feet in them.  I love my aunt!

1 comment:

  1. These past two posts are very illustrative of the up and down/back and forth of your disease. Thanks for sharing. -C.
