Sunday, June 1, 2014


I am a sucker for positive reinforcement.  A few people have commented to me that it helps them when I write about my days, especially the bad ones so they can get a true sense of what endometriosis is like for me.  I am going to TRY to write a little bit about each day so we can all stay connected, in addition to any other posts I may write.  (P.S. - Someone submit my Hierarchy of Needs post to a Psych journal!  I had major college flashback writing that!)

Today was okay.  The weather was awesome.  I ran an errand for my mom and I think it must have varied 10 degrees while I was out.  It's a little bit hard for me when I try to maintain a schedule and plan ahead with medications or activities to not know whether or not I will need to do something unplanned that my mom can't do on a given day, but so far so good.  Anyway, I got a prescription for her (luckily I was feeling okay because she was not feeling well enough to drive), found a couple things on sale, and even went to Wawa and grabbed a coffee.  I'm enjoying their new Caramel flavored coffee but they don't have soy milk so I have to wait until I get home to add that.  I also tried rice milk last week but I have to say, I did not like it.  For now I will stick with the soy; I haven't tried it alone or with cereal but in beverages or recipes, it has tasted fine to me.  

I felt a little tired in the late afternoon and my body felt a little stiff.  Right around 7pm like clockwork, I always feel a little light-headed, sometimes I have more pain... it's just always at that time.  I've adjust medications, I eat protein so I don't think it's blood sugar, but who knows.  Anyway, Mom was not feeling well enough to even sit up, so I got her some food, then I made dinner for myself.  (Yep, I cooked, used the stove and everything).  As I was getting ready for bed I could feel my back getting a little sore/stiff so I stretched, took my muscle relaxer, and I'm just hoping I will sleep it off.  Mom let me know she had a fever before she went to bed of 100.2 degrees (Do computers have the degree sign?)  At 100.6, she has to call the oncologist and potentially go into the hospital so I've stayed up a little bit to make sure I wasn't needing to take her to the hospital.  She took Tylenol, so hopefully that, along with a lot of sleep will help with the fever.  I will find out in the morning.  And now, I'm about to fall asleep myself.  I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend more than me!!

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